
in the chips中文什么意思

发音:   用"in the chips"造句
  • 富有
  • chip:    n. (摔跤时)用绊腿把对方摔倒的一种技巧。 vt. ( ...
  • chips:    薄片如土豆片; 路面; 木工; 票据交换所银行内部支付系统; 切片; 石屑; 薯片; 碎面碎钻; 碎石; 芯片; 油煎土豆片; 炸士豆儿条; 炸薯条炸土豆片; 中文系统; 铸 码,铸币,缺料,缺口
  • a plate of chips:    一盘炸土豆条
  • accepted chips:    合格木片
  • aluminium chips:    铝屑
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Within a short time i will be in the chips again .
  2. View the data stored in the chip of a smart identity card
  3. B : don ’ t worry . you ’ ll be in the chips sooner or later
  4. View the personal data stored in the chip of the smart identity card
  5. * the lady rakin ' in the chips *



        in the chipsとは意味:金持ち{かねもち}の、富裕{ふゆう}な When I was born, my family was in the chips. 私が生まれたとき、わが家は裕福だった。
        in the chips meaning:[American idiom] wealthy; with much money. • John is a stock trader, and occasionally he's in the chips. • Bill really came into the chips when his uncle died.
        in the chips artinya:kaya
        in the chips переводadj sl He's occasionally in the chips — Иногда у него водится монета I'm in the chips this month — В этом месяце у меня денег полно


  1. in the charge 什么意思
  2. in the charge of 什么意思
  3. in the charge of =under the charge of 什么意思
  4. in the chinese folklore was unkempt 什么意思
  5. in the chinese press 什么意思
  6. in the choice of 什么意思
  7. in the christmas holidays 什么意思
  8. in the church 什么意思
  9. in the circumstances 什么意思
  10. in the city 什么意思


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